The Hand of Death | Teen Ink

The Hand of Death

December 11, 2014
By Anonymous

You know the details of a persons life that come before suicide is like that of a hand from someone who is dying. Now I know peoples life isn't the same. But I figure that some things are the same. Like the hand you start out strong. Clenched. Willing to fight. But as life goes on and you feel more and more alone. You get weaker. Your hold not as strong. 

There are good days and bad days. Days were you are totally strong and hopefully and days where you feel like you have nothing left to fight for. With every passng day or month life slowly tears you down. Your life gets harder, you slowly lose your fist. You slowly lose your hope.

You feel like there is no one there. You smile and maybe even joke around. But deep down you feel like no one wants you to be there. You are slowly losing your fist. Your grades may slip, you may change the way you look. You may not. People are different.

What you do changes people. Makes then lose their hope. Watch what you say because little things make a big difference. 

If someone is reading this that needs it. Don't lose your fist. Fight don't let it go limp. There is someone there that wants you to be here. Don't give up. Don't lose your fist.

The author's comments:

I recently read a book called Thirteen Reasons Why. It inspired me for this. I highly recommend you read it. It really opened my eyes.

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