Life Obstacles | Teen Ink

Life Obstacles

December 5, 2014
By Ivery Elder BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Ivery Elder BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Helen Keller said” The most and beautiful things the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart”. When I was first born on May 2, 2000, I had to be rushed to St.Mary Hospital in Evansville, Indiana because I kept dying, I was born with fourteen holes in the heart and broken vessels to the heart, and my lungs kept on failing.They hooked me up on all kinds of machines. The doctors would not let my parents in the room with me. A couple years later when I was seven years old my parents and I were going to see my doctor. The heart doctors said they have to put a heart monitor on to keep an eye on my heart. When Helen Keller overcame  her obstacle not being able to communicate, I overcame not able to do a lot of things because of my heart and my over use my lungs.

When Helen was a baby, she got sick and became blind and deaf. When Helen got older, the Kellers hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen. It took Annie a long time to teach Helen, Annie was able to teach Helen trust, obedience and language to overcome her obstacle. Helen learned how to do sign language. I also had to overcome my obstacle like Helen Keller. I had a heart condition. I overcame my obstacle by getting healthier and can do a lot more and I can do some sports. I still can not run as much not a even a mile and I can run half of the time and after that I have to walk the rest.

Even though our obstacles were not the same. We shared some similarities, Helen and I were both born   
with a birth defect. I could not do sports and Helen could not either. But now we can do more than we could
when we were born and we grew up and became healthier. When Helen overcame her obstacle of becoming healthier. I too overcame my obstacle of being healthier. I learned from Helen’s experience that it is not bad to become blind and deaf, it just take time to learn sign language and learn bad from good. I learned from my experience that never let yourself down and get healthier and then you can do a lot more then you could. Helen Keller said “ Life is either a great adventure or nothing”.

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