Overcoming Obstacles | Teen Ink

Overcoming Obstacles

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Audrey Hepburn once said, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible". All faults in life are possible to fix, but some obstacles are bigger than others. No matter what you should always try to overcome your obstacle. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I overcame having anxiety issues.

Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When Helen was a baby, she got sick, and following that became blind and deaf. After many years of not being able to teach Helen manners, or how to communicate, the Keller Household hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen. Annie was able to teach her trust, obedience, and language to overcome her obstacle.

Like Helen Keller, I also had to overcome an obstacle. My obstacle was having anxiety problems. It got to the point I would get so worried about things that I had panic attacks. At about age five, I started going to the “worry doctor”, and it helped me for a few years.  At around fourth grade, it got really bad again, and I had to go to counseling. These doctors helped me realize the things I would worry about probably would never happen. I needed to have faith that I would be okay. Currently, I have not had bad anxiety and I only worry about things that are normal.

Although our obstacles were different, Helen and I share a few similarities. We both have had to be taught to fix our problems and overcome them. I’m sure she had to put more work and effort into her obstacle, but we both shared this experience. Even though both of us are not perfect, we still made progress from when we started.

Helen and I have both overcome our obstacles in some ways. Her not being able to communicate and mine having anxiety. From Helen’s experience I think she really proves that anything can be learned or taught regardless of the obstacle. Even though my experience was not nearly as bad and rough as hers, I learned for myself there are many things I can conquer in life too. Once said by Helen Keller, “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming”.

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