Walking in Life | Teen Ink

Walking in Life

November 12, 2014
By elilienfeld PLATINUM, West Branch, Iowa
elilienfeld PLATINUM, West Branch, Iowa
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Mi salvación fue leer, leer los buenos libros, refugiarme en esos mundos donde vivir era exaltante, intenso, una aventura tras otra, donde podía sentirme libre y volvía a ser feliz"
- Mario Vargas Llosa
My salvation was read, read good books, take refuge in those worlds where living was exhilarating, intense, one adventure after another, where I could feel free and be happy again

I found myself walking in this beautiful place. Walking around the pond, feeling the cold air touching my face and my soul. I can see a farm on the top of the hill, so close, but at the same time so far away. The orange morning sunlight and the light blue sky make me feel at peace. I haven't had this feeling in a long time. The weather reminds me of my home, my eternal feeling, La Paz. I remember when my mom used to dress me and send me to school. I remember the fog of the Bolivian highlands in my front yard, every morning when I waited for the bus to school. I remember walking my dog at night with my only Bolivian friend, Ignacio in the harmonious Guatemala. The beautiful darkness of the city covering my sight until we reach a park close by. I almost step on water walking around the pound and I can see Jane even farther away from me. Those memories came to my mind while my friends and classmates are laughing around, wondering what are we doing outside of class. I can smell the nature around me and hear the sound of the highway, a weird but at the same time a perfect combination. The fields of corn and the flat land make me realize where I am.
Under the shadows, walking in the wet soil I miss my country. Sometimes I wish I didn't had this blessing. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I had taken different choices. Should I have stayed in Bolivia? Should I had stayed in Guatemala? Should I had left my family? I am not sure yet what the answer is. Sometimes I feel like going back to where my heart belongs. But where does it belong? Being in this existential dilemma makes me realize what I have left. An eternal feeling, a fire that will never end, a light in this world full of darkness.
I am starting to feel warm, so I take my jacket off and give it to Collins who is freezing. I can feel the sweet touch of the brown leafs falling down from the tall trees next to the road. We are going back the direction we came from. Finally we are going back to our classroom. Fall is one of the coldest but prettiest seasons in this country. The yellowing of the leafs, the blue sky, the red farm nearby are staying behind while my group of classmates, my teacher and a dog are heading back. I am looking at the horizon trying to remember a time when I saw an horizon so beautiful. I cannot think of a moment when the horizon was so perfect. At the beginning of my life here I dislike this place. I thought that it was a really terrible place and didn't understood why people were so in love with this place. Now I feel that I don't want to leave. This place has a certain magic that neither La Paz nor Guatemala nor Israel has. This place is enchanted with one of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen.
We are finally in the classroom, staring at each other wondering why we took that walk. Jane, my English teacher, tells us that we are going to write a 500 word essay about the walk we just took. Everybody is thinking on what they are going to write about. I am thinking what I am going to write about. I think that I already know what I am going to write about...

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