The Final Game | Teen Ink

The Final Game

November 13, 2014
By romo10 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
romo10 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Sunday morning when I woke up to the smell of the breakfast that my mom was cooking. I got out of bed as quick as a bunny as I realize that it was the finals of my soccer tournament. I get dressed and eat the breakfast my mom made for me and I headed to the car. On my way to TSC (Toyota Soccer Complex), I wondered what it would be like to hold the shiny gold medal in my hands. As I get closer, I see my team stretching on the field so once I finally got there, I started sprinting towards them.
At the end of our warm up and when the game was about to begin, I was already sweating like a pig because it was so hot. When both teams were on the field, the referee blew the whistle which signals the start of the game. As my teammates pass the ball down the field, I hear the roars from the parents in the bleachers in excitement. The score was zero to zero at half time and I was drinking water and got ready for the second half. We dominated the second half but still couldn’t put the ball in the net. The game was tied at the end of the second half which meant that we had to go to extra time. Towards the end of extra time, the other team’s defender tackled one of my teammates which called for a free kick. I went up to take the kick. I shake in anger as I hear the ball hit the crossbar and go out. It was the end of extra time which meant that we had to go to penalties.
I went up to take the first penalty. I’m nervous I would miss again, but once I shot it, I was relieved as I made it in the top left corner. The final score was 4-3 on penalties but we lost. After they gave me my silver medal, I went home happy that it’s all over and that second place isn’t that bad.

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