Lost In Orlando | Teen Ink

Lost In Orlando

November 7, 2014
By Trackislife45 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Trackislife45 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark, humid Ohio morning around 4 a.m. People of all ages and races were waiting for their flights. My family and I were the same. On our way to Disney World; we were gathered at our gate in the Columbus Airport. With a layover in D.C. it was going to be a long day of plane rides and other tribulations before my family and I arrived to Disney.
“Why do we have to get up so early?” I groaned.
“You want to see Mickey and Minnie right?” asked my older brother Daniel.
“Of course,” I cheered, “ I love Mickey and Minnie.”
“Then we have to get up early so, we can see them,” Daniel remarked. “Come on kids we have to get going,” My mom called.
“Is are flight here yet?” I inquired.
“No,” my dad chimed in, “not yet but we have to go to our gate.”
Just as he finished saying that the loudspeaker boomed, “Flight 201 to
Orlando is now boarding.”
“Let’s go I want to go see Mickey and Minnie!” I sang.
The flight to Orlando was long and boring. The nature outside looking out of the plane was the real excitement. When we flew over Washington D.C. seeing the monuments was cool and exciting.
“Look mom, all the buildings; they look so small,” I stated.
“It’s so cool isn’t it’” my dad smirked.
Once we got to Orlando, my brother and dad had to use the restroom.
So, they left and when my dad came back alone.
“Where is Daniel?” my mom asked.
“ I thought he was with you.” explained my dad.
As it turns out my brother could not find a way back down to the lower
level of the airport after he got seperated from my dad. Then my mom went up the escalator to try to look for him. I started crying.
“What is wrong?” a Disney worker asked sincerely.
“I lost my brother!” I sobbed.
“It’s okay,” the Disney worker said “we will find him.”
After that the security shut down the Disney section of the Orlando
airport. Nobody could leave until they found him. After almost 45 minutes, they found my brother. Then my family and I continued our journey on bus to Disney World. Where I had one of the best weeks of my life.

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