Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Proud to be an American

November 7, 2014
By Anonymous

One day. That’s all you have to show your skills to hundreds of people. You have one day to show them what you got. You have to wow them, and make them want to come back. You have one day. One day to set yourself apart from the others.
I learned five songs in under a days time (which is a definite challenge). That was the challenge I was faced with. I had to play five songs perfectly in front of 500 people in under a days time. So I did.
I spent all day working on the songs and getting them memorized. I set my mind to learning them because my ambition is music. I love music and spend the majority of my days around it. Alike many other Americans, I’m unique and hardworking. I don’t take no for an answer. And that day I had to play in front of the 500 people, I realized what it means to be an American.
Being American means to take every minute and make it your own. Follow your dreams and go places you never wanted to be before. Take risks and live those risks to the fullest because most people forget what it means to be an American and they need to learn. Being American means you listen to rock n’ roll, you feel pride in what you do, you take risks, you get your name out there and live a crazy life. I truly feel American when I play music for people because I’m fulfilling all those traits of an American. I am a true American!

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