Personal Narrative | Teen Ink

Personal Narrative

November 3, 2014
By Anonymous

The way I live my life today makes me happy. I have Down’s syndrome, so my life is different from other kids. Other kids have 46 chromosomes, but for me, God made me with 47 chromosomes. Sometimes I am kind of smart and sometimes things are hard for me to do. I get distracted easily when someone is talking. It is hard for me to follow directions. It is easy for me to talk to people and make new friends. I am on the HH Dow High School swim team and in the Drum line playing cymbals in the marching band. 

It is hard for me to follow the directions sometimes.  It is difficult for me to listen well, but if I asked one of my friends, they would tell me what the teacher said.  Sometimes I get off task and don’t follow the directions. Doing my work at school is harder for me than other kids also.

My successes are talking to people and making friends, being on the DHS swim team and playing cymbals on the drum line in marching band.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I like to talk about who I am and why I am different. 

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