My Depression Story | Teen Ink

My Depression Story

November 1, 2014
By Anonymous

In fifth grade I got really depressed, I used to think that I was so fat, and so ugly. To get rid of the pain and suffering I would cut. I had so many problems with my emotions because my parents didnt get along and I was just sad all the time. In sixth grade it got a little worse and no one really knew about how I was feeling.

During the summer before my seventh grade year I developed an eating disorder, little by little I would get skinnier and skinnier. I had a thigh gap, almost to the point where I could touch my thumbs together. I weighed around 75 pounds. the summer before my eighth grade year, I decided I wanted to stop starving myself and be healthy again. So I did. Little by little I would start gaining the weight back that I lost. I knew I had to do it, even though I didn't want to.

Eighth grade was the best year I had in 4 years. When nighth grae came around I was in a lot better spirits, I thought I was over my depression..untill February.. 

I've been clean for eight months and plan to be clean for the rest of my life.

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