The New Girl | Teen Ink

The New Girl

October 18, 2014
By Anonymous

We were sitting in science, we had gotten a little bored during the “Cells are Organelles” rap so we had constructed some paper airplanes to throw at each other. “Brody, Rhett, Braden, Wyatt, and Mitchell, you’ll be staying after class with me.” Said Mr. Hyner I heard groans from my friends and groaned myself. Then, the door suddenly opened, and in walked the most beautiful girl. “Did it just get hot in here or what?” Commented Wyatt. Wyatt has tried to get a girlfriend but hasn’t had any luck yet. I try to give him pointers but he seems scared of them, even though he’s 17 years old. I look at my friends who are all staring at this girl with googly eyes. “She can’t be that prettyyyyyyyyyyyyy,” I say as I turn around. I find myself staring at this girl too. She’s about 5 foot 10, shiny black hair, piercing blue eyes, and everything else you’d want in a girl. All I can say to my friends is, “Dang.”
At lunch I see her sitting alone at the table in the corner. A couple of guys go and sit next to her, I notice that it is Rhett and Mitchell. They try to start a conversation, she says something back and they suddenly get up and walk away. There faces are as red as a beet. I start laughing as they come and stand next to me in the lunch line. “Nice try guys,” says Brody. “I’ll show you how it’s done.” We all snicker as he struts toward the new girl. “Typical Brody,”  is all I can think. He’s one of those kids with so much confidence, but much like Wyatt, hasn’t had much luck. He also came back empty handed.
Our next class was PE, and I was lucky enough to have her in my class. When we did our warmup,  I  realized how athletic she is. She kicked everybody’s butt (Except mine of course) and was amazing in basketball. Brody was standing next to me and said, “Alright, I’m gonna make a move. Check me bruh.” He ran out on the court and took his position guarding the new girl. He popped his neck and kicked his legs to get warmed up. “You ready?” she asked. Brody nodded with a smile. She started to dribble and suddenly crossed Brody up and got passed him, ending with a layup. She jogged back giving the ball to Brody. “I was just taking it easy on you,” he said. He started dribbling and tried to take a shot from outside the 3. Only to be stuffed by the new girl. Everyone around him started saying, “OOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!” I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Alright, alright,” he said. “I’m done messing around.” He gave her the ball and she started dribbling rapidly. She first went between Brody’s legs then behind his back making him fall over. Then she jumped off his back and dunked it. Brody sat up rubbing his ankles, his face was so red. Everybody was laughing hysterically. Brody got up and ran straight to the locker room.
The day was almost over, I was hanging out with my buds Rhett, MItchell, Brody, and Wyatt. We were talking about our game against Ontario on Friday. When the new girl passed by us. “Well, everyones been denied except Braden and Wyatt. Now you guys gotta take a shot at it.” said Brody rubbing his ankles again. “Yeah she denied pretty hard core.’’ Said Mitchell with a sneer. “Shut up!” said Brody, “ I was taking it easy on her.” Everyone broke out laughing again. “Alright, let’s flip a coin to see who goes first.” said Wyatt. They flipped it and Wyatt lost. “You’re first.” Said Braden. Wyatt walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and smiled. Wyatt tried to say something but couldn’t seem to  think of anything to say. I’m pretty sure I saw pee running down his leg and drool running down his face as he walked back to our little group. “I uhhh…. she said… ummmmmm…” everyone started laughing. “Alright Braden, your turn.” I give my friends a little “rock on” sign and said “Going for gold.” as I turned around. Only to see that Juan had taken the medal already.

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