Camp Eberhart | Teen Ink

Camp Eberhart

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Can students do something fun while learning something that can help them in their future? Yes, at Camp Eberhart.
Last year, the 7th grade class had an incentive field trip to a camp for two entire days, including staying overnight. They had the privilege to interact with other students while doing fun activities. A couple of activities that they did were Bow and Arrow, High Ropes, Climbing  Wall, Group Exercises, and Navigating.
While at Camp Eberhart kids learned different techniques and skills that could help them if they are lost or camping. There were several activities that students participated. These activities included, Group Exercises which taught students to work as a team through games and exercises like a trust fall, or one of the activities had the students work together to get everyone over a 15 foot wall. High Ropes was an activity where you are strapped to a wire and walk through rope obstacles 20-30 feet off the ground. Archery where you were taught how to shoot a bow and arrow. Navigation taught you how to use a compass and how to navigate yourself out of the woods. Canoeing taught you how to steer a canoe.
Overall, there were many extravagant activities students could participate in. You get to go to camp for two days to learn fun and exciting skills that could help you survive.

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