Just A Necklace | Teen Ink

Just A Necklace

September 25, 2014
By ThatQuietGirl GOLD, Marion, Ohio
ThatQuietGirl GOLD, Marion, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Someone told me once that shooting stars were just Angels throwing away their cigarettes before God could catch them."

You say, "It's just a necklace, stop over-reacting."


I'm not over-reacting. I'm having a mental breakdown.

I trusted you to watch over my most valuable item. The only thing i had left of him.

You failed me.


"I'll but you a new one," she says dismissively.


No! I'm hyperventaling now. I'm crashing. I'm burning. This can't be happening.


"What's the big deal anyway! You're such a cry baby." Step-mother sighs.


"The big deal is that, the only thing i had left of my best friend is now gone. Lost at the beach. He is dead and he trusted me to keep it safe. For one hour, I left you in charge. You let me down."


We haven't talked all night. She's still upset with me and i with her. I haven't ate or slept in two days because of how upset I am.


"I'm sorry," she whispers softly before she leaves one morning.


That's all I needed. To know she felt something at all about losing something so important to me

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