Story of My Life | Teen Ink

Story of My Life

September 18, 2014
By Devin Pike BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
Devin Pike BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
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This is a story about my life and how i have had to live it so far maybe one day i will be who i want to be and not somone who gets treated the way i have been treated.

Chapter 1: Intro

You know when your ever in the time of need you hear about people who say they will protect you thought troubles but then they end up turning against you all in the end? Well this is a story about me and my life. I don’t really like to share it with everyone I know but it’s too painful and sad I think the whole world should know who it feels to get hurt every day as long as we all live. They tell you to keep the inner balance in yourself but it is hard to do so. So let me start off with a few different things that has happened though my high school life.

Chapter 2: New Beginning

My life so far at my high school is not as so good. I thought it would be a lot better than this. When I first walked through that door on my first day I knew right off I was the most hated and hunted person in that school. If I could do one thing from that point I walked in that door. I would go make sure I never decided to come to this school early. When I first saw the people that were coming we would chat and stuff but like everyone says friendship never last forever. Those people are right it didn’t last forever. It was over in the next few days. In that few days I was beaten, tormented, emotionally hurt inside my loving life. They took it all away from me and I tried and tried to get it all back but I must have been too late. It got to the point where I couldn’t even talk anymore but if I could change that I could. The best thing I could to to fix all of this mess was to either go to a different school and start a new life or go to a move to a different city. Well that didn’t end out to good. I had to stay I could not move I was stationary and I could not get away from all the drama though my life. And still today I am stuck in it. The Best thing I could do today was to get the help I wanted and needed. That help never worked out so well in the first place. Adults would lie about stuff I did and other things. My own parents didn’t even believe me and that’s just so sad if I could go back in time I would have tried so hard to prevent this from ever happening to me. They all want me to go away forever they want me to leave this world. I get told every day and I quote “Devin you should just move away get out of this school and our lives.” Or “Devin we want you dead and to die alone!” that is something that can make someone want to go away forever. I tried to hide myself from everyone but that never worked. I want to hide my self but I don’t think that will ever work. If I could I would take it all back. My life went downhill when I reached Hickory High School.  Every thing went down deeper in to that dark hole but I couldn’t get out of it and still to this day I’m still in this hole and no one wants to help me out they want me to rot down here and die.

Chapter 3: Hell is Unleashed

When hell is unleashed it gets sad. Sadness to me is like I don’t even exist anymore. I should not even be alive right now if all this hell is being but on me. I want it all to go away forever. But once again all the people here want me dead and to go away forever. They want this pain in this man to be gone and gone it shall be. This is one of my quotes it took a lone time but it is all true any way. “You know, the world isn’t run by the laws on paper. It’s run by the people who live in this world. Some according to laws, other not. It Depends on each individual how his or her world will be, and how he or she makes it out to be. You also need a whole lot of luck, so that somebody else doesn’t make your life a living hell. It isn’t as simple as they tell you in schools today, but it is good to have strong values too and to maintain them you will need someone to help you along though your life.  In marriage, in crime, in war, always and everywhere. I messed up. I wanted a better, life but in the end I made a lot of things worse than most other people. You know, I think it’s important to keep a balance in things. Yeah, Balance that’s the right word. Cause a guy who wants too much risk losing absolutely everything. Of course, the guy who wants too little from life Might not get anything at all….” The one that that can change someone’s life is to hurt or ruin it from there very beginning of time which isn’t a good thing to do. One little thing that could happen here and today can change someone's life forever.  That person’s life would be mine.

Chapter 4: Hell is gone, Life starts now

2 years have gone by with many changes in my life so far. The one thing that has changed the most if friends. I have made so many but have lost some along the way. Now i have a real friend his name is Valor Gosch. Im glad i meet him. He has made me realize so many differnt things that is why i want him to realize that im glad he is a true friend one of the 4 true friends i have. even though this might be a really short chaper this is were i will end this book as a short story of my life. Thank you all for showing me the way of the light and bringing me out of this darkness. 

Devin Pike

" Change your thoughs and you can change your world"

The author's comments:

There is only one person who inspried me to write this his name is Valor G


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