Descriptive Narrative on a School Assembly | Teen Ink

Descriptive Narrative on a School Assembly

September 21, 2014
By _hollcmc_ BRONZE, Liverpool, Other
_hollcmc_ BRONZE, Liverpool, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Morning lights, deprive the sight of many stretching isles of void seats which sit lingering for their prey to enter. A sudden, but sleek movement bewilders the pack. A door bursts open!

Hastily, the devil horned gazelles scamper from the gape of the vigorous teacher. Leaping, teachers pounce on only those with shaven scalps and made up faces. A cry breaks out; a breath failing to exhale, a glance only shared when the predator turns to speak.

"Year 10!"

The roar, distending the ears of those who bare listen, echoes allowing the hallucination of senses, to engross the deer's innocent minds.

In one corner, sits a member of the pack. Wearily, he declares to a group of hyenna's to contorl their laughing, whilst slithering his finger up to his leathered lips removing the excess sylivia he didn't just spit at the girls. Exhilarated by anticapation, their natural impulse triggered, not by a tranquilizer gun, but by the supreme, sweet scent of school dinners. Food.

To the right, of the empowering stage, stands a young girl with blood red hair which flows over her hunched shoulders like a waterfall. Awaiting, to be greeted and seated by her envious fellow classmates, she inhales the suculant, juicy scent of roasting chicken, which is then defeated by the huddle of whispering girls behind her.

One of the huddle members, a acne ridden girl, begins to fidget at the sight of a surly looking boy, who gazes at the new girl through his greasy thick hair which hangs heavily over his freckled face. Swallowing hard, with embarressment, the new girl squirms at the taste which can only be described as dehydrated breath.

Late morning lights, blind the eyes of adolescent faces, which act like sunglasses to isles, that stretch as far as the eye can see, of many solemn pupils. The roar, still echoing, demands her prey to retreat. The bloody haired girl exits first, followed only by the eyes of the surly looking boy who still gazes like a lost puppy searching for his owner. Gradually, laughing turns to shuffling of bags, yelling turns to the earnest voice of prayer and heavy breathing to the chime of a bell. The deers are dismissed.

The author's comments:

I have to write a descriptive narrative on a school assembly and decided to include a metaphor running throughout it. 

Please tell me how you would improve and any additional things you would add.

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