My Belief | Teen Ink

My Belief

September 11, 2014
By Eddie2015 BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
Eddie2015 BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
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Believing in something means that you are one hundred percent committed to it and never second guessing its meaning to you. My belief is hard work. I believe that to go far in life and become successful you need to always try your hardest and never accept failure. I learned this from my family and even neighbors. I am only starting to learn about hard work because I got a job over the summer but it's good to learn early on.

My dad always tell me stories back when they were my age. My dad has a lot of brothers and sisters so he didn't get a lot of attention from his parents as I do. He told me he never had help from his parents for school work and he had to push himself to learn the material and to understand it. When he was a teenager he work endless hours a week to save up for college and transportation. He told me he bought a car and a motorcycle just working as a busboy.He jokes that busboys can't buy cars or motorcycles anymore with the money they get and the economy.So after high school My dad went to college and got his masters degree and is now a very successful person. He would not be where he is today if he never applied himself to achieve his goals.

My neighbor who is now no longer my neighbor is another person who ties to my belief. His name was Tom and he looked like an ordinary person that you could just walk by and not notice. You really had to have known Tom very well to know what he did for a job. So since Tom and his wife were our neighbors we became good friends over time. My dad finally asked Tom what he did for a living and then Tom told him his whole career journey. I first have to say that I was four years old and can't remember all the little facts. First he told my dad he went to college somewhere out west and after college he joined the Air Force. My whole family respects anyone in the military and think of it as an honor to meet someone who served. So in the Air Force Tom was a test pilot. So that means that he got the chance to test pilot all the new classified and non classified aircraft before they are mass produced. But that wasn't the best job Tom had. After he retired from the Air Force he joined NASA and became an astronaut. That's probably one of the coolest and hardest jobs to get ever. He told my dad he went to space 6 times and was a commander for more than half of them. Without hard work he wouldn't have gotten the coolest job ever.

As for me I have had only one job.Over the summer I got my first job ever at Tegra Medical in Franklin. Tegra is a company that manufactures needles and other medical devices. My job was to perform 5S on all the machines and in any room that needed the attention. 5S is a business way to sort, set, shine, standardize and sustain. I had to follow that format to complete just a single machine or room.

Even though I didn't have the coolest job I learned that working hard is what is going to get me far in life and it is going to get me my dream job. That's why it's my belief.

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