Hard Times | Teen Ink

Hard Times

June 30, 2014
By Survivingslowly BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Survivingslowly BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This is how the world ends, not with a bang. But a whimper.

Everyone in their life time goes through some hard times, some harder than others. Whatever that rough patch you went through was, it wasn't easy to move on from it was it? And that's okay, it wasn't meant to be easy. It was a test from the universe questioning your limits, pushing you to see you're breaking point. It's your decision whether you keep your composure and move past it, or if you snap. If you snapped then those hard times are ten times worse than they were before, and you curse life for punishing you. For my hard times, I snapped, I fell into a deep depression and had anxiety attacks every other day. I had selective anorexia, this year alone I went from a size 9 pant size to a 3 and back up to a 5. I stopped going out with my friends, family, boyfriends, everyone. I shut myself down told myself that I was trash, because I honestly believed that was what I was. After all, that's what everyone always told me. I had no self-respect, self-worth, or self-esteem what-so-ever. I've been bullied since I was in 1st grade because of my looks and it's only gotten worse since then. I only wear long sweaters and pants in public because I'm afraid of what people will say or think. It's the words that hurt the most, I can live with the physical pain when they hit me, but the evil words they spew at me leaves me crying at night, not the bruises. At school I'm always the smiling happy girl that's nice to everyone, just because I don't want anyone to feel how I feel. I tell everyone I love them, in case no one has ever told them before and it's because it's true that I do love them. I love everyone, even the one's that have made my life a living hell. My mind is a chaotic place that demons roam freely to whisper their hateful words to me. My soul like a shredded piece of paper, you could tape the pieces back together but it would never be the same way again. My body a beaten rag doll that's been worn way beyond repair. This is my life now, because of these hard times. What I'm trying to tell you is don't be like me, don't let the universe break you.

The author's comments:
Thank-you for reading, I love you. Just giving you a little piece of me, if you enjoyed rate it. Have a good day.

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