The Last Goal | Teen Ink

The Last Goal

June 1, 2014
By idontknow12 BRONZE, Coronado, California
idontknow12 BRONZE, Coronado, California
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The Last Goal
Our game was at 7:00 and I just got to the soccer field. It was our second to last game for the season and I was a starting forward. As my coach always says “As soon as you step on that field, there is no more fooling around.” The weather was very foggy to where if you were at mid-line you couldn’t see the other goal. The referee blew the whistle and the game had started. The left side of the field was very uneven. The other team was up at the end of the first quarter 1-0 and my team was losing hope. After half time we went back on the field with no hope until we scored our first goal of that game and then we gained some confidence. After that we started playing like a real team. Soon after we scored and the referee blew the whistle because they started with the ball and the person on the other team was running down field when my teammate took it from him and sent it up field to me and I shot and scored in the top left corner of the goal. We had won the game and were able to go to the finals.

The author's comments:
This was my experience with me and my soccer game

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