My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

June 23, 2014
By DGarry BRONZE, York, Maine
DGarry BRONZE, York, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For nothing could separate my Love and I
Together at heart for life I thought
I watched her weaken day by day
For her day to go was clearly near

I held her hand
In hopes to cure
The pain that had sat upon my heart
So heavy at heart to lose my love

She closed her eyes one last time
And went dancing into
The heavenly skies
My love I lost

Deep into the night sky
Away in the rain
I search for my love I had lost so fast

My love I lost
How sad a day
I cry not one but many a tear
The search for my love I lost

My love I lost
Now gone for good
I run like the wind
And cry like the rain
In search for my love I had lost for good

The author's comments:
i am an 18 year old girl from maine. This piece is a poem I wrote about losing my best friend my grandmother. I wrote this poem to express my emotions!

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