Jordyn | Teen Ink


June 5, 2014
By makayla fetzer BRONZE, Atascadero, California
makayla fetzer BRONZE, Atascadero, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Ahhhhhh!” I scream as I trip over my backpack on the way out of bed. Falling face first into my pile of clothes, I quickly put my hands out to save my fall. My heart pounding like a hammer on a nail, I lay on my stomach wondering to myself how I could be so clumsy. When I look down, I see something that catches my attention: my sister’s hospital bennie! Looking at the beanie brings me back to a very special day; the day my sister was born.

I remember waking up to the sound of my phone ringing. It’s my mom! I’ve been waiting for this phone call all night. Sleep was definitely not one of my priorities last night. All I could do is stare at my phone and wait for my mom to call. She’s been in the hospital for two days already waiting for the baby to come. She knows that I really want to be there when it happens, so she is supposed to call me when it’s about to happen.

Finally, I answer the phone. “The baby’s almost ready Makayla! Eat some breakfast and wake up your brothers. When you’re done, come to the hospital,” says my mom. After I do what she said to do, we get in the car and start driving. The hospital is about a 20 minute drive from my house, so when I get a text from my step-dad saying I better hurry, I start to get a little worried. Staring out the window, I remember my mom telling me how much she wanted me to be there when my new sibling is born. Both my mom and I would be devastated if I didn’t get there in time.

Sitting in the passengers seat of my brother’s car, I think back to when I was four years old. I begged my mom to have another kid so I could finally have a sister. Growing up with three brothers wasn’t easy. Every single wish I make in the fountain would be to get a sister. I would pray to God every night asking for a sister. Sadly, my mom and step-dad wanted the gender of the baby to be a surprise. If it turns out to be a boy, I’ll still be happy that I get a baby brother, but getting a baby sister would be like a little girl getting a pony; a dream come true.

After what feels like an hour of driving, we finally arrive at the hospital. My brother drops me off at the front so I could run up the stairs to my mom’s room. I make it there just in time to see the baby be born. When the doctor announces that it’s a girl, my eyes fill with tears. My baby sister that I’ve wanted for so long is finally here! She is the smallest, cutest little girl I’ve ever seen and I already love her with all my heart. The nurse puts her in cute little clothes and put a beanie on her. Although the beanie is big on her because she’s so small, I’ll never forget her first beanie and how cute she looked in it.

Thinking back to that moment, I can’t imagine my life if it didn’t happen. It’s only been a month now, but she’s getting so big. Jordyn is a very important person in my life and I love her very much. I hope I never lose her beanie she got on the very first day she was born. Lifting myself up off the floor, I grab the beanie and hold it tight against my chest. Then, I go to my mom’s room to kiss Jordyn goodbye before leaving for school.

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