Sempiternal Bliss | Teen Ink

Sempiternal Bliss

May 21, 2014
By SoccerDancer BRONZE, Cocoa, Florida
SoccerDancer BRONZE, Cocoa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chocolate. How does one describe the word? How does one describe the sensations it gives you? The feeling that you get while eating it? The feeling of temptation that envelops you from just being near it? The numerous amounts of forms to enjoy chocolate are astounding. Chocolate can be found in cool, refreshing, tall glasses of milk. Drink too much of this too quickly, and you may find yourself with a chocolate milk mustache. Hot chocolate of hot cocoa complete with marshmallows or whipped cream is just as refreshing as it warms your entire body while running down your throat. What about a chocolate shake, chocolate ice cream, or those caffeine laced chocolate frappuccinos complete with chocolate whipped cream coating the top of the drink, and it being drizzled with chocolate syrup. The thought of taking a deep long sip through the straw brings shivers of joy to my tongue and my mouth. Chocolate is one of the key ingredients of various desserts around the globe. Who does not love a slice of a five layer chocolate cake with fudge icing slathered between each decadent layer, as it seems to soar towards the sky? What about a smooth ganache that explodes out of its hardened solid chocolate shell, or ambrosial whipped mousse? Chocolate pie covered in a pile of whipped cream and delicate slivers of chocolate ganache placed gently on each slice of pie.

The most common form of chocolate, chocolate bars and chocolate squares, are by far the paragon of the delicacy that is chocolate. The anticipation kills you as you unfold each corner of the manufactured joy in a little foil wrapper carefully and hear its crinkle as you straighten it out, or at lease attempt to straighten it. The surusses of the plastic wrapper as you find the perfect notch to slice the packaging open to reveal the joy and delight of whatever may be inside. Immediately after opening the wrapper of whichever chocolate you choose, no matter which one it is, the amazing scent engulfs you, making you feel as though there is nothing else in the world besides you and the chocolate bar. The scent that wafts towards your nose when the chocolate is ripped open like a present on Christmas morning will depend on which chocolate bar of square you choose and the ingredients inside it. 3 Musketeers will have a sweet smell that is the scent of pure chocolate. The whipped center is a fluffy pillow of delight surrounded by chocolate. Reese’s Peanut Butter cups will smell of thick, creamy peanut butter, while it tastes of crumbly peanut butter covered in a sheet of chocolate. The flavors dance over your tongue like two people waltzing across a ballroom floor. Peeps Peepsters smell of simple chocolate. As you bite into it, you get a surprise of marshmallow crème bursting from the chocolate shell it is contained in. Kit Kats consist of a smell of smooth chocolate. When you open it, you break off one of the four pieces that the packaging encloses, and bite into the crackling wafer the chocolate encompasses. Milky Ways have the scent of Three Musketeers, but with the additional aroma of gooey caramel. Devouring a Milky Way shows that it contains the same feathery center as Three Musketeers, but with the added bonus of the sticky caramel, providing a swirl of a combination of flavors around your mouth. Ferrero Rocher has the fragrance of hazelnuts and wafers in combination with the decadent truffle like chocolate inside of it. After the unwrapping the clinquant gold wrapper of the Ferrero Rocher, you see the chocolate sphere scatter with hazelnut pieces. You eat that entire layer finding a chocolate wafer hidden beneath it, and underneath that is another sphere of pure smooth chocolate surrounding a hazelnut. The spice of a sharp mint is the scent enclosed in a York Peppermint Patty. When eating it, the fresh chill of the mint is that of drinking cold water after chewing peppermint gum, a shocking, yet pleasant sensation. 100 Grand Chocolate bar taste just how they are described, like one hundred thousand dollars. A 100 Grand Chocolate bar has a filling consisting solely of rich caramel, a center of liquidated brown sugar embraced by a chocolate coating, which is embedded with crunchy crisp rice. Biting into a 100 Grand Chocolate bar is like eating a Nestle Crunch bar wrapped around a bed of soft caramel. The aroma of these various chocolate bars are unbelievable, but the taste of them combined with the scents is like floating on a cloud straight up to heaven.

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