Cell Phones In School | Teen Ink

Cell Phones In School

May 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Whenever someone thinks of a normal teenager, they usually think of a young active person who also plays video games, likes to hang out with their friends and talk to their friends. Most teens like to do this with their cell phones. Cell phones are used for a lot more than just communicating with other human beings. Now a days, they can be used basically as laptops or tablets. People can write papers on them, play games on them and even go onto the internet using their phone. With all of these great advantages of using phones, why would they not be allowed to be used in school? This is a question that teens have been asking for many years now. In my school, students can bring laptops or even tablets. Some schools even supply tablets for their students to use but when it comes to cell phones, they have to be put away. Through the use of cell phones in school, students can be more organized, get work in on time and focus more on classes.

Many students at my school including myself have a hard time staying organized throughout the year. If cell phones were allowed in school, I know for a fact that I would be a lot more organized than I am now. I would be able to keep track of all my assignments and know what I am doing when if I was allowed to type everything into a calendar that is on my phone. I would have all my assignments in on time and I’m positive that this would also help everyone else. While some may say that cell phones are distractions to students, I would say the opposite. Students would not be playing on their phones during school and if they are, then that is their own fault and they are messing up their own lives. Cell phones should be used as a tool to help students make it through school and help them stay organized. I make notes on my cell phone all the time when I am out of school to stay organized but when I am in school, I am not allowed to be on my phone so I cannot make notes to stay as organized as I could and should be. If cell phones were allowed in school, many students, teachers and parents would be happier with the result of the students schooling because of the organizational tools the phone has to offer.

Getting work in on time is another key idea with organization that students really need to follow. In order to get good grades to graduate from high school, we need to get all of our work in on time and do our best work on it. If I were able to get all of the assignments on my phone and set up reminders to do these assignments, I know for a fact my school life would be a ton easier. I don’t know what I would be doing outside of school without my phone. It keeps me organized and on track with everything I need to do. I know when I work, have to go to a sports practice or even when I have family things going on in my life. The only way I keep up with all of these events is because I can use my phone for all of this. If this can work in my everyday outside of school life, then I am one hundred percent sure that this would help with getting all of my work done for school. I don’t think it would help just me. Everyone could benefit from this to help keep up better grades and graduate with a higher gpa. If I had the option to do this, I would take it in a heartbeat to stay organized and get all my work in on time.

Most people think that if cell phones were allowed in schools, most kids would be texting on them and not focusing on their classes. My thought is just the opposite. The reason teens do thing like drinking/smoking or even texting in class is because they want to rebel against the people that have more power than they do. If cell phones were allowed in class, then kids would not be rebelling against their teachers by using them and students would not use their phones as much for texting or other things that they are right now not able to do. Also, if phones were able to be used during school, students would be focusing more on the lesson and not when to text when the teacher isn’t looking. I am a student and I have done this myself and seen others do it many times. This happens in every class but I have a feeling if cell phones were allowed in school, most of this would stop because these students have nothing to rebel against anymore.

Normal teenagers may live on their phones for most of the day even when they are in school. They love rebeling and this is mostly why students use their phones during school. If phones were allowed in school, students would not only stop rebelling but this would also provide a better way of organization. I feel that when I can write down all of the events that are going on in my life, I am a more organized and better person by doing this. I would be able to get my work in on time and know when different things are going on during school. I know that through the use of cell phones during school, students can become more organized, have their school work in on time and be more focused on their classes.

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