The Beauty of Silence | Teen Ink

The Beauty of Silence

May 13, 2014
By KirahBradley BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
KirahBradley BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.


I could not see her, but I knew she entered the room. It was silent. I never felt such solitude in the midst of others. I tamed my mind to concentrate on a simple assignment, breathing. My mind debated back insisting that I choose something less biological. My thoughts were terrified at what could come to mind; the threat of becoming to acquaint with the repressed that lurked in the abyss of me. My senses desperate for a distraction. But it was too late; she stole me with her still grace.

Her presence was rare and often underappreciated. My mind panicked in not knowing what to do in her company. Pure at heart, calm in spirit, she was. I entered a world of a delightful nothingness. It was a secure, peaceful, and inviting refuge. I was outside of myself, my location- unknown. At the peak of utter euphoria my phone spoke in the distant, interrupting, and she swiftly departed.

I was forced to return to society’s mundane preoccupation. A world where stress is normal, tasks are ever present, and entertainment is inescapable. I almost met myself beyond the roles I play, but my master said, “not today.”

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece after my psychology teacher had my class meditate for five minutes. It was a novel feeling of both fear and comfort. Meditating made me realize that hearing nothing can be a rare experience.

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