Helping My Community | Teen Ink

Helping My Community

April 30, 2014
By Julianne Snyder BRONZE, Northville, Michigan
Julianne Snyder BRONZE, Northville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My eighth grade class recently did a service project at Gleaners Food Bank. In southeast Michigan, more than one in four children are food insecure. I’ve learned that many families don’t have enough money to get food for their children or loved ones. Studies show that even mild under-nourishment in children has a negative impact. It reminds me how grateful I am that there’s food on the table for me every night, while some children can only get food through school. Gleaners Food Bank helps families and residents that are not able to get food or nutrients they should be getting daily. As a class, we bagged can goods and put them in boxes to deliver to anyone who needs it. I’m happy my class and I did this service project to give back to the community, and to solve child hunger. By giving back to my community I can make someone happier, and healthier with the efforts and time I put in my community work. I can encourage people such as my friends, or family to come help at Gleaners Food Bank because, every meal is for a great cause and you can really make a difference for that one or many people you have helped. “I was hungry and you gave me to eat.”

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