My Life... | Teen Ink

My Life...

March 4, 2014
By Anonymous

My life… When I grow up I want my friends and my family to respect ME, not for my actions, but for just me. I haven’t been able to talk to my dad for almost two months , because he’s been in Florida and he’s getting back from Florida on the 5th ,but I’m leaving on the 5th to go to Oregon. I haven’t talked to my step brothers in a while and we live in the same house!! My life feels like it’s over I can’t even tell my dad that I don’t even want to live with him. My dad and I, our life is shifting apart! I want to go to the other middle school, but my dad said that delinquents go there, MY COUSINS GO THERE!! And I know there not delinquents! Cousins and I have some STRONG history, but all that’s in the past. My cousins and I all got each other’s back. My cousin Bella doesn’t go to school any more she’s been getting bullied pretty badly. And that’s the reason why I want to go to REALLY bad. To stop the bulling, but my cousin wants to go to my school to be with me and her friend, Emily. I’m just trying to say that I want my life change, but I know I need to make a differences in my life now because I know that I’m not six anymore. I’m just really sacred that my dad won’t love me anymore because I want to live with my mom. But my mom doesn’t take me to school on time well she does, but she doesn’t sometimes. It’s hard because I go to my dad’s to see my DAD not my step mom. But my dad is never home he only gets Sunday off, but I’m at my mom’s on Sunday. I’m at my dad’s on Monday through Friday morning so I only get to see my dad when I go upstairs. Because he come’s home at 8:00PM. And as I said before I want my life change, but I know I need to make a differences in my life now because I know that I’m not six anymore.

(Any names in this story are made up, but this story is based off some of the tough times I’ve been going through.)

The author's comments:
I just wanted to let out most of my tough feelings.

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