Life As We Know It | Teen Ink

Life As We Know It

February 20, 2014
By Norbe_dela BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
Norbe_dela BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.<br /> Helen Keller

We all live a great life, but what we don't live up to is happiness. We impress others, always do it for the better, or even because it's right. Life isn't perfect if you cannot get a little reckless, or even try to satisfy your needs. Living for your purpose is a tremendous accomplishment. But society doesn't allow it. Wanting nothing but for perfection in detail and presumption. Yet we listen. Our world is falling apart, piece by piece because of our poorly made choices. No peace, just war. Haven't we had enough of it? Children are looking up to teenagers which face the adults, and all of them lead to death, depression or disappointment. We need to be a whole again. If not, this will be, Life As We Know It.

The author's comments:
I hope for people to look inside their hearts and say, we need to stand up, and believe. Life is passing by so fast we don't even know that earth is falling under our feet. Young look up to old, they need inspiration. Give it to them.

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