Flickering Lights ( On Again ; Off Again) | Teen Ink

Flickering Lights ( On Again ; Off Again)

February 12, 2014
By LoveJones PLATINUM, Jamestown, North Carolina
LoveJones PLATINUM, Jamestown, North Carolina
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just to keep from crying, I laugh" ~Lil wayne

What happens when you start a new school? You get a new "sacred" identity, and here I am finally attending a school that was primarily African American. I was scared, nervous, and excited. One, I was African American and I felt like I could escape the racism. And two, I felt like it could be a new begginning for me... I was horribly wrong.

My first day I went to this new school the girls made such a big deal out of me being there, adn they kept starting drama with me for no reason at all, and turns out it was because they saw me as a threat. Do I honestly seem like I enjoy stealing people's boyfriends? I hope not, because I don't.

However, I found the only guy in school not throwing himself at me, and he was absolutely beautiful to me. His eyes changed from a beautiful shade of brown, to an entoxicating green. He was weird at first though, he was one of those guys that look amazing but fail to acknowledge it. I tried so hard to get him to notice me, at some points it was embarrassing.

But now? We've been on again since October and I don't understand what has kept us thi sway for so long.. Every day it's something new, either I end up yelling at him, or he ends up yelling at me.

But something like electricity keeps us togther, maybe it's the fear of seeing one another with someone else. Our love is like flickering lights, on again and off again, but no matter westay together like something I don't understand.

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