Family When there's No Family | Teen Ink

Family When there's No Family

January 24, 2014
By MaceS BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
MaceS BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!!!

I have had my own experience of basically another family. I have lived with many family members but in my life my cousins were the best family that I had. Everyone doesn’t live with their mom or dad, but some live with their grandparents and other relatives. In my case, I lived with my cousins for a good amount of time and they were there for me even when my parents couldn’t be. They helped me with my homework assignments, getting dressed appropriately for school, and even with getting up on time to make it to school.

I believe that best friends can also be family because if you’ve had a best friend you would understand. A best friend treats you as if you are family. He brings you around his family during holidays and lets you meet other members of his family in an attempt to let you create a connection or bond of some sort toward them. A best friend is there for you at a quick instant when there is something you may have to do that is very important and when there is nobody else around to help you. A best friend will come pick you up if you have gotten stuck somewhere and cannot get home. He will stick up for you when someone lies on you. A best friend can tell you everything that is going good with him and the things that are going wrong without having to feel shameful. And what is best about having a best friend that is basically a family member is that everything that is done for the other person out of good heart can be done vice versa without explanation.

People that love you when no one else will can also be a stranger. People that you don’t even know can help you with something like making sure you get home in the winter after going grocery shopping. I have had many people pick my mother and me up and take us home just because they had seen us walking in the cold weather held down with groceries. To me, that is what I call family. People that show sympathy towards you, and when you least expect it, out of the goodness of their hearts.

To me, family can be a person that sits down with you and asks you why you are upset, someone that wants to help you by showing that he is compassionate. When someone understands that you are having misfortunes and he can tell that you are suffering or
just may not be having one of the best days are the people you can call family. Family can be a person at your church that you trust you can tell what’s bothering you at home or in the workplace, they are the ones that give you a spirit of guidance and words of encouragement and advice.
And overall, I believe God is the one that loves us all when there is no one else that seems to love us. God puts His arm around us when we are having rough times and going through trials and tribulations that bring us to our knees in a figurative way of speaking. Sometimes when we are going through things, we really are brought to our knees and that’s not to give up but to pray and call upon the Lord. God is our family in troubled times, He is our light in the shadows of evil and He shows us a way out each and every time. He is our family by blood and spirit and never gives up on us as long as we do not give up on him. He loves all of us unconditionally and that there is true family.

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