Admitting the truth | Teen Ink

Admitting the truth

January 25, 2014
By Anonymous

Everyone has moments when they feel like they are the most unwanted person in the universe, but there are some of us that feel this way every single day of our lives, and there is absolutely no one that we can talk to, no one who we can pour our hearts out to and cry like there's no tomorrow.
I live a melancholy life. I have a loving family, but as wonderful as they are, they don't see how much their words hurt more than what some narrow-minded teenagers say behind my back. They don't understand that y calling me fat I start hating myself more and more. I hate to say it but I compare myself to other women every single time that I try to feel worth it. I'm open-minded. That is all that I am, I am not bright nor gifted. The feeling of pure disappointment is always there, knowing that there is nothing you can do for someone to say:'well done'. I am what I like to call a mistake child, the child that was created from a man and a woman that did not want a child, but one parent decided that that child was nothing to him and got up and left, while the mother no matter how much she hated that child at the time, decided not to kill it and tolerated it just for the sake of it. But as that baby got older, no matter how much she loves this child, there was still a little bit of hatred because that child crushed all of her dreams.

I still feel like the ugliest, fattest,and stupidest person in the universe. I am so self-conscious that I don't even think make-up can help me look better than I do now. It has taken me a while to admit that I am self-conscious and that I suffer from depression, but I am proud that I admitted to the people who will be reading this, I might not have admitted it to anyone else about this problem, but I am glad that I had the courage to write it.

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