My Big Suprise | Teen Ink

My Big Suprise

January 13, 2014
By lizisthebest BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
lizisthebest BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not lazy i'm just on my energy saving mode. :)

“Liz I need to talk to you” Mom says.
“About what” I ask curiously
“sit down” mom says as she points to the chair in the corner of our living room. I am really nervous right now. I have no clue of what she wants to tell me. “So what do you want for christmas” Mom asks
“This is what you need to talk to me about.” I ask
“Liz answer my question, please” Mom already sounds irritated.
“Ok, well I want a iphone, laptop, a starbucks gift card,a itunes gift card and some other things, why are you asking me this, it’s only October.
“I just wanted to know” Mom says in a sneaky tone she never uses. “Honey, I can’t hold this in anymore…”

I hate when my mom does this, she won’t tell me what she is trying to say. It bugs me so much.
“hold in what!” I ask so very curiously.
“We are going to florida!” she yells.
“O-OH M-MY GOSH….WHEN?” I manage to croak out.
“January” she says. “We are flying right?” I ask. “Yes” Mom says. I am so excited, so many things are running through my mind that I can’t even talk. I have never flown in a plane before, what if I freak out? How is my one year old brother isaac going to behave? Am I going to miss school? Where are we staying? im not even sitting in the chair anymore, I jumped up with excitement.
“Mom… you are the best mom ever I love you and I will do the dishes for a month straight, and i will dust and vacuum and I will-”
“Honey, you don’t have to do all that.” mom interupts.
“Mom, oh my gosh this is the best day ever, so this is one of my christmas presents?” I ask
“Yes, but don’t worry you will get other stuff too” mom says

So I can’t believe what I just heard, I mean I have never gone to florida! This is so amazing. “Liz, now you already know this but if your room is not clean you can’t come with us.” Mom says
“Okay, okay it will be” I say. Well i’m not quite sure my room will be clean, i’m kind of a messy person.
“Oh, and you must score a 85% or better on your final exams” Mom blurts out.
“And what if I get a 84% on it” I ask nervously.
“Well…” She sighs.
“Okay, anyway are we going to disney world?” I ask
“Of course!” Mom says. I’m happy I changed the subject and wow I really have to work hard now.School work is really important to my mom and stepdad. Florida, sun, pools, Disney World, this is the best day ever. The plane ride, an actual airplane ride. I think to myself, are they fun? What if they are scary? My Mom must see the worried look on my face, “Are you okay?” Mom asks cautiously. “Yeah… but what are plane rides like?” I ask.
“They are very fun and you will love them so much, when you take off your ears pop and when I last went in a plane I could not stop laughing for that part” mom explains. My main worry is that the plane will crash, but i’m sure that won’t happen.

“I heard that if you chew gum they won’t do that” I said “well, it kind of works I guess” Mom answers. See i’m not that scared anymore… it will be fun. This will be amazing, nothing can ruin this moment. “Flying is really fun, I promise you will like it.” Mom still thinks i’m nervous.
“Mom, i’m not really nervous anymore” I say “Is disney world fun” I ask. “yes! it is the best amusement park ever, I love it” mom blurts. I guess my mom loves Disney World. I never knew how cool it would actually be to go there. The tower of terror is my dream ride, I so want to ride that. I also want to ride the rock n roll roller coaster.
Oh my gosh, I am going to Disney World. This is by far the best christmas present ever.
“Mom thanks so much, how did you know this is just what I wanted”? I asked
“I know you pretty well, liz” She says then laughs. Well this is it, first plane ride, first trip at disney world, and first time to florida. Plane ride are not that bad, it’s like a bus in the sky I think.
“Mom, plane rides are like a bus in the sky right?” I ask nervously.
“Thats exactly what it is, and feels like”. She answers.
“Great, what kind of rides are there?”I ask
“Well, there are it’s a small world, and a lot of shows, and a lot of rides. It’s a small world is my favorite, I think you will like that one.” Mom says. I am so excited, only three months away.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Mom”I say.
“Aww, your welcome honey!” Mom says, then gives me a hug. This is forever now my best day ever!
“How many rides are there?” I ask.
“Uhm… I don’t really know, I’ve never really thought about it.” Mom says.
“Oh, ok” I say. “HERE I COME FLORIDA!!!” I yell with excitement. “Yep, merry christmas!” Mom says. Then we both laugh.

The author's comments:
My personal experience about an awesome thing in my life.

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