Autobiography | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By ManiB SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
ManiB SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

July 30th 1998 a beautiful baby girl was brought into this world by the grace of God. Her skin so fair and hands so tiny. She brought great joy to her parents, after two active boys her mother was blessed with a graceful little girl. Her little face round and cheeks so chubby. Her beautiful brown eyes shined and sparkled. As she giggled and smiled attention was drawn to the dimple like craters on her cheeks.

Time began to fly by like a jet rushing to war. Imani was four years old already. She started embracing her love for clothes and shoes. Prancing around in skirts and dresses with a smile so bright it could light up the night. Her face cute as a button and her personality as bright as the sun! Although she could snap as fast as lighting strikes, if she strikes there is no turning back.

The clock fast forwards another two years. “Happy Birthday Pie Face!” is said as Imani is greeted by her beautiful, strong, loving mother! Imani begins to learn how to express herself through movement. Dance is her passion now! She attended “The Pointe Studio of Dance.” She was really shy until she found out that her best friend attended the same studio.

She began to grow faster and faster. Fifteen years old and dedicated, determined, hard working and taking on the world. She began to learn many life lessons and struggles that would farther her and make her strong. You would think a fifteen year old would be childish and immature but Imani was very mature and dedicated to whatever she put her mind to.

She tired many athletics and excelled, Imani loved to run track and cheer. Although she stopped dancing at fourteen years old she still excelled in other activities such as track and cheerleading. She ran track seventh, eighth and her sophomore year in high school. Her first year running in high school she was ranked the fourth sophomore in the state of North Carolina for high jump. This was a huge accomplishment for her is made her drive harder and want it even more.

Her dedication was ensured by the way she never gave up and always kept trying. She may mess up or fall down but nothing will keep her down. She takes every chance she has to get better. “No days off” is her motto. An injury won’t keep her from not working. She works on her core to become a more balanced and structured runner. She gets her dedication from her brother who has had trials and tribulations that haven’t stopped him. He encourages her to stay at it and don’t give up when things get tough.

She always remembered “All things are possible through Christ.” If you live the way God want’s you to and follow in his footsteps you will be successful. You are human yes! It’s okay to make mistakes, through the storm you will make it with God in your heart and your angels by your side. Give him all the praise and the glory and you will be on your way to success.

Everything happens for a reason! Every failure is to make you stronger. Every prayer is to guide you closer. Every service makes you wiser. God is the rock and he is the father. He leads me to heaven and forgives me for my sins. He blesses me and keeps me safe. He guides me and I give him all the glory and the praise for me and my family.

Putting God first and doing what he wants you to do will help you make it to heaven. My family has always been here me. They lift me up when I’m down. They remind me of where I come from and help me stay strong. When I think I’m having a terrible day they find a way to make me smile and help me push through.

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