Where I'm At | Teen Ink

Where I'm At

December 19, 2013
By poopy127 BRONZE, Oak Park, Illinois
poopy127 BRONZE, Oak Park, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into the room as quietly as I could, which was as loud as an explosion, and grabbed the jewelry. I was five years old and my neighbor and I were playing pirates. A couple of days later my mom noticed some of her jewelry missing and she called the police they said it was an inside job because nothing else was touched. Two weeks later my mom found out that I had played pirate and asked me where the treasure was. We went out to my next door neighbor’s (not the one who played pirate with me) front lawn and started digging. We soon found some of her jewelry. Then she got garden shovels and got my pirate friend’s mom to help dig up the jewelry. We found everything in a reasonable amount of time (I originally dug up the jewelry with a stick) but we didn’t find the wedding ring. After word my mom did her best to not get angry with me and she tried to make sure we didn’t play pirate with her jewelry ever again. To this day I still feel bad about it and whenever we talk about it my dad always jokes that the neighbors dug it up before we did and that they pawed it.

This story didn’t mean anything to me at the time I originally did it but now I feel bad whenever I look at her new ring. It also showed me how much something’s are worth in life, my mom valued our relationship more than her wedding ring. That was very meaningful to me and even though most of my family laughs at the ordeal now I still use that memory to value my actions today. I also remember how relaxed my dad was even though at the time my dad was in horrible shape and was having a hard time working because he had gotten into a car accident and he couldn’t walk very far without having to rest every couple of steps. And even though my family had just had my sister Nicole, and I was going to school in Pilsen, and I wasn’t good at speaking English they still valued me over a nineteen carat diamond ring.

My neighbor is still my friend and she is one year older than me, she plays soccer with me every year and we hang out every so often. She lives two doors down and has a sister who is one year younger than me, her sister and I are friends but she hangs out with her friend across the street and my sister who is currently 11 years old. I were to describe my sister Nicole the best word I could think of would be loud. She plays the piano and is pretty good at it but she bangs on stuff and burps really loud and she burps a lot. She farts and is generally impolite, she has said my times “I enjoy seeing Morgan suffer” and constantly annoying me and making noise. She makes me cringe when she walks in the room and now her voice makes my ears bleed. My brother is very dramatic and he runs and makes noise and plays but he loves me and I love him he plays video games on the Wii and Xbox and likes to eat. He has a problem in which he can’t wake up at night to go to the bathroom and he used to not be able to feel it coming at all so he would just pee while you were talking to him. He has since gotten better at both, he pees at night around once a month but its fine I love him just the same. My little sister is gorgeous she has long curly locks and is 6 years old she is, however, very very clever and she knows how to annoy people into getting what she wants. my mom is trying to keep her from turning into her older sister and is doing a fairly well but she has developed a few habits from my sister like yelling and hitting when she doesn't get her way.

I feel family is one of the most import things someone could have because when there is no one else to turn to there is always your family. I think that if you I feel family is one of the most import things someone could have because when there is no one else to turn to there is always your family. Without a family you are all alone in the world and your life is in the gutter, you should settle and get married and create a family because I think that if you have a good family then you have the world’s greatest treasure.

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