Every | Teen Ink


December 15, 2013
By dancinggirl2264 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
dancinggirl2264 BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every week you go away
Every week you stay away
Every time you say goodbye
Every time I want to cry
Every day you call on the phone
Every day you have a sad tone
I know it’s hard for you to be gone
But this is your home
But you don’t live here

My Dad’s job has taken him around the world and back, but I can’t help feeling that something is missing in our home. He has missed some of the most important days of my life. Sure he was there for the big holidays, or my sister’s graduation, but he wasn’t even there for some of my birthdays. I couldn’t imagine my dad having a different job or one that even comes home each night and tucks me in, but I want a dad that would come to all those redundant choir concerts (the ones that have been singing the same songs since he was a kid). I want to see him sitting in the front row using the biggest camera and having the biggest smile on his face because he gets to see his little princess standing up there singing her heart out. Don’t get me wrong I love my dad and I wouldn’t switch him for any of my friend’s dad, but to have him gone is just one less thing I want to worry about as a junior in high school. I want to worry about my latest crush or what grade I am going to get on my next AP Biology exam not when my dad’s plane lands so that I can see him for one weekend out of 52. I don’t want my mom to have to worry about me not having a dad’s influence during the week and having to be tired all the time. I want to be the happy family I always see on the movie screen, or maybe just the one that was filmed for home videos.
Every week he goes away
Every week he stays away
Every time he says goodbye
Every time I want to cry
Every day he called on the phone
Every day he had a sad tone
I know it’s hard for him to be gone
But this is your home
But you don’t live here
But when you are home it makes the time so much more worth it. I appreciate you even more and when I get to see you for two days I am the happiest I had been in a while. Because I am your princess, your baby, your little girl.

The author's comments:
I needed to write a piece for English class and I put a pencil on paper and my heart just flowed with all these pent up emotions and it was time to write what is happening, it was time to talk about my dad. It was time to write Every.

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