My Sad Memory | Teen Ink

My Sad Memory

December 6, 2013
By Jenna Taney BRONZE, Conifer, Colorado
Jenna Taney BRONZE, Conifer, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A sad memory of my life was when my dog Buka (Zanbuka) couldn’t walk. Zanbuka couldn’t walk because she had horrible arthritis in her back legs. She had a really hard time getting up and walking.

I had to help Buka get up with a towel and use the bathroom and to get a drink. Her arthritis was getting worse and she was in a lot of pain. So I had to do this four or five or sometimes even six times during a night when I was trying to sleep. I had to do this for two or three nights. She is blind so that made it so much harder to take Zanbuka where she needed to go.
Buka is blind because of her diabetes. She got diabetes after her ninth litter of puppies. Buka had ten puppies in each litter. The last puppy came out breathing but ended up passing away. She didn’t get the diabetes right away. Buka had nine puppies in each litter. So that means that she had eighty-one puppies total that were alive.

Then after the third day I had to help my mother carry Zanbuka to the car in a wagon with a blanket wrapped around her up so mom and I could take her to the vet to be put down. But the good news is that we got a footprint of her front foot. That was a nice thing that they did for us.

I was sad and depressed because I did not want to see my favorite dog get put down. The good news is that she had passed very peacefully. I was scared for buka. I was tired and frustrated because of what I had to do.

I Love You Buka, And I Always Will.

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