The Letter | Teen Ink

The Letter

October 31, 2013
By kayannalee BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
kayannalee BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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In February of my freshman year I wrote a letter that changed my life for the better. I never knew my fathers side of the family. I grew up not knowing him or them. My mother and him got divorced right after I was born and after that he left my life. Growing up without him or my grandparents always had me feeling like something was missing from my life. My freshman year I decided to do something about it so I sat down and wrote a letter to my grandparents on my father’s side. I didn’t know what to say, I was so nervous I just wanted to let them know that I wanted to reach out to them.

After two hours of staring at the letter I had wrote I finally had the guts to mail it. A huge weight was already lifted off my shoulders, and now I just had to wait for a response. Five long days later I received a phone call. I knew exactly who it was when I saw the area code. I sat there in panic, I let the phone ring a few times before I answered it and when I did my grandmother and grandfather tried to speak while holding back all the tears of joy. It was the most emotional phone call I’ve ever had.

We talked for hours trying to make up for the lost time. After all they haven’t seen me since the day I was born. They told me about my cousins, my aunt, my uncle, I had missed out on so much… but not anymore. Since we lived so far away from each other we would face time and Skype. I became so close to them and my other family members there.

We immediately started talking about me visiting during the summer, and then we made plans for me to fly down to North Carolina when school was over. The day after school had ended I hopped on a plane and flew to North Carolina all by myself, which seemed to be the longest flight ever. I could not relax; I was so nervous and excited that I was going to finally meet them. When I stepped off the plane my cousin and my uncle we are holding a sign that said, “We love you Kay” and my grandparents and aunt we standing next to them. I have never shed so many happy tears. The feelings I had were indescribable.

I spent two short weeks in North Carolina. I was not ready to say goodbye and head home knowing it would be months before id see them all again. My cousin and I became so close, she is only three months younger than me and I swear we are clones of each other. My aunt and uncle are two very special people, they have the warmest hearts and I know they would do anything in the world for me, and my grandparents… I can’t even begin to describe the love I have for them. They are the sweetest most loving people you’ll ever meet. I love them to death.

It’s been a year and half since I first met them and I’ve spent a Christmas with them and some time during the summer. This year I am spending my first thanksgiving with them and I couldn’t be more excited. I have finally filled the empty space in my life. Writing that letter was the best decision I have ever made.

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