What is Adventure? | Teen Ink

What is Adventure?

November 6, 2013
By Antonia McGrath BRONZE, 8824 Schoenenberg, Other
Antonia McGrath BRONZE, 8824 Schoenenberg, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Adventure is an experience. Stepping into the unknown, exploring, learning. Adventure is traveling to a new and exciting place, somewhere you’ve never been to do something you’ve never done. And it scares you, but you do it anyway. Adventure is a camping trip with friends in the wilderness. Adventure is pushing yourself further than you thought you could possibly go and then going even further. Adventure is sailing through the mist on a morning at sea. Adventure pushes you out of your zone of comfort and forces you to confront your fears. Adventures have challenges everywhere- a higher mountain, a faster river, your mind telling you that you can’t go on. Adventure is raging down a roaring river of white with nothing but a plastic shaft with two blades in your frozen hands to steer your kayak. Adventure is hard- there’s no denying it. But adventure is also rewarding. Adventures have risks- vicious avalanches, fierce rapids, torrential rainstorms. Adventure is clinging to a rock wall with aching fingertips and deciding to get to the top. Adventures are the things you remember when you look back on your life- the best times and the worst. Adventures are the times that change you.

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