A New Chapter | Teen Ink

A New Chapter

October 17, 2013
By Anonymous

It was one of those dark and gloomy Saturdays, those days when you just want to stay inside and watch movies under a warm blanket all day. It was May 31st, the day of my eighth grade graduation.

I was wearing my favorite new dress and my long brown hair was straightened. As I checked the time, I noticed we were running late. I quickly threw on my gold graduation cap and the matching gold gown and hopped into the car.

My family and I arrived at the school after a fifteen minute car ride. I could feel the eagerness and excitement in the room full of soon to be high schoolers. We all lined up just as we practiced and entered the auditorium where the ceremony was held. All four hundred and eleven students sat in alphabetical order.

Our ceremony put people in mixed moods. Some people were ecstatic to be moving onto high school, while others were sad and expressed themselves by crying. We heard a few speeches from our student council president and our valid victorian. The speeches helped us reflect on the past school years.

After the speeches each student came up on the stage one by one to receive their diploma. My favorite English teachers were reading off everybody’s names. I was anxiously waiting for her to call my name. As my name was called I walked across the stage as postured as I could be with the biggest grin on my face and received my diploma.

We were all announced the graduating class of 2013. This was the last time we would all be together under the same roof. We all split up and went our separate ways to different high schools. It was sad to think that you might never see the kids you have gone to school with since kindergarten ever again.

Grade school was truly a positive experience in my life. Whether it was elementary school, middle school, or junior high school, all of these schools contributed to making me the student I am today. I have made so many memories and have gained so much knowledge. I would not take back one moment of my life I have so far.

As high schoolers, a huge chapter in our life has just opened up. These were the four years everyone remembers. You should cherish every moment of your life; you will never be able to relive it again.

The author's comments:
This is a memoir we had to write for English class.

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