Winter Wonderland | Teen Ink

Winter Wonderland

October 15, 2013
By katrinacort BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
katrinacort BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes were fixated at the scenery that was just outside the window. The ground, the cars, and even the street signs were coated with a whiteness that was familiar to me. Halloween had just past, and winter seemed to have come knocking early. I hurried down the hallway to find my snow clothes, smiling ear to ear. Excitement took over my features as I found myself all bundled up, ready to play in the white powder that had fallen from the sky. My mom watched as I raced around the house, trying to find my snow gear. There was a slight chill inside the house radiating from the outside, inclining me to grab the toastiest jacket I owned. I placed the warm material over my body hurriedly, already a tad cold. I dashed to find my hat and gloves, buried under my summer clothes. The soft cotton fabric engulfed my hands, feet, and head, allowing my body to warm up instantly with the contact. I grabbed my favorite scarf and wrapped it twice around my neck, letting the rest hang down against my jacket.

I glanced back out the window letting my smile grow wide as I unlocked the front door. My hands shook from excitement. How long has it been since snow had been on the ground last? Christmas? I walked down the steps that were lightly dusted with freshly fallen snow. My steps were heavier thanks to the newly added material. I bounced up and down in my boots, trying to decide whether to build a snowman or a snow angel. I glanced up at the sky, watching the snowflakes fall to the ground. The snow seemed to blanket everything, from the Smith’s hideous lawn gnomes to our neighbor’s car. The air was icy and the entire street was silent, since everyone was inside, hiding from the artic weather. I took in a deep breath, letting the first snowfall of the year sink in. My eyes widened, matching my grin as I jumped into the soft snow.

More snowflakes continued to fall on my face while the soft snow acted as a pillow for my body. I began to make a snow angel, as my mom walked onto the porch. “Not too long, okay?” she called. I stood up, and began making a snowman. The process was laborious, and by the time I finished I could barely feel my fingers. My blue snowsuit was completely covered in white powder, and my eyes were watering from the cold. My cheeks were fire engine red, and my energy was completely wiped away. I walked eagerly towards the front door, realizing that the first snowfall of the year was about to be followed by my mom’s famous hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and chocolate whipped cream.

I had finished taking my snowsuit off when my mom handed my hot chocolate in my favorite giraffe mug. As soon as the first sip entered my mouth, I felt warm. The cold achiness that had filled my body outside had been replaced with a warm, fuzzy blanket. “It’s going to snow more tonight, and maybe tomorrow we can sled down the hill?” my mom suggested as she began to make dinner. A huge grin spread across my face, and even though tomorrow was not very far, it seemed like an eternity.

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