Growing Hate | Teen Ink

Growing Hate

October 1, 2013
By tatertot18 BRONZE, Northwood, Ohio
tatertot18 BRONZE, Northwood, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a classroom of about twenty students sits a young girl naive to the world around her. She's the odd one out, she's different, she's just a little older and just a little taller. She is a little chunky with those chubby little cheeks that every parent loved to pinch and those little glasses that all the adults seemed to find adorable. She didn't. She hated them with a passion since that was one of the main reasons she was picked on at school. She wanted to stop wearing them, but she had a lazy eye that needed to get fixed and without those glasses then everyone at school would know and that would be worse than wearing glasses.

Going to school each day wasn't really that difficult because some days they left her alone. The days that the teacher told her to do stuff is when the bullying really happened. She was known as the teacher's pet. These classmates didn't know that this young girl did whatever it took to stay out of trouble because she was scared of disappointing anyone and she hated getting yelled at. So when the teacher left the classroom, she was left to stand in the front and make sure no one talked. When the teacher needed papers to pass out, the young girl was picked to pass them out. This girl was basically the classroom leader, but she didn't want it. This made her life even more different than it already was. She had no real friends at school. The only friend she had was one of her bullies. Her friend would steal her work and leave her to do it all over again while her friend had free time in the back of the classroom.

This girl couldn't find the courage to stick up for herself, so she was basically pushed around. When the teacher left the room, they began to make fun of her. They even gave her a nickname; they called her granny. This little girl wasn't strong enough to hold back tears and the teacher came back and yelled at the entire class, but that wouldn't stop them. What made it worse is that her favorite uncle even started using this nickname. Every time he saw her, he would greet her as “granny”. She tried getting her parents to make him stop calling her that, but they said it was just a joke. She was stuck with this and it hurt her deeply.

Eventually this girl moved to another city and transferred schools. This school was a little better than the last, but she was scared. She decided to try and change herself so she could fit in. She even tried to become friends with the popular kids. It didn't work out, and she was basically alone. After growing up, she finally gained people she could call friends, but she wasn't close to them and she couldn't seem to be comfortable around them. These friends stuck around though. They treated her nicely (for the most part). She still had problems though. She was living under her siblings’ shadows. She was constantly told that she looked like her second oldest sister, but wasn't pretty like her. She felt ugly to everyone. It made sense to her since all the guys in her class had a crush on her sister and these guys told her that they wished she looked just like her. She isn't as funny as her oldest sister and she isn't as cool as her brother. She didn't feel good enough for anyone so she shut down.

This young girl is me. Being this young girl made me weak. Being this young girl even taught me how to hate.

The author's comments:
Writing about a personal experience with bullying may give people a better understanding of what bullying does to the victim.

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