That Strange Day | Teen Ink

That Strange Day

September 23, 2013
By Vortex_Vizionz BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Vortex_Vizionz BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That day started off like any other, but it sure didn't stay that way. So like any other day it start out like this I wake up, go upstairs, eat cereal, go downstairs, get my clothes, go back upstairs, get in the shower, wash up, and go places. Usually with my friends or with my family. But this time was different. I woke up, went upstairs, ate cereal, went downstairs. I thought a little bit then I went back upstairs and notice that there wasn't anybody home. I was just by myself. see for me I didn't know what to do. I was 10 scared, shocked, and confuse. so I took a shower and left the house. I went straight to my grandparents house, which was like a block down from my house. When I arrived at my grandparents house I knocked on the door for like five minutes. Nobody answered. So I went to the side door and knocked, still no answer. so I walked back to my house think where did my family go and why did they leave me. As I was returning home I felt a strange presence that gave me butterflies. I never felt that presence in my life. So I approach the door slowly, very shaky, I reach for the knob and twist the knob. I walked in the dark house and felt like I was in the haunted house or a horror movie. Then I froze as a loud scream "SURPRISE!!! All the lights turned on it was my family. They had planned a surprise birthday party for me. But what was that presence that I felt outside. Guess we will never know. That was something I was not prepared for, what a strange day.

The author's comments:
This article is base on an event that happened in my life on my birthday, which was a good birthday.

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