A Twisted Tale | Teen Ink

A Twisted Tale

September 15, 2013
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It all started in a small city. Me and my group of friends walked around the stores looking for a birthday present for my mom. Watching as the clothes were snatched off the racks and the jewelry taken off the stands I noticed a familiar face staring back at me. It was my band teacher Mr. Baker. I waved through the window and walked into the store towards him. My friends ran off and left me there with him, their faces a glow of satisfaction and amusement.

"Good morning Mr. Baker"

"Good morning Aspen. I'm looking for a gift for your mom. As I'm guessing you are as well."

"Yes I am. It's her birthday tomorrow and I just can't seem to find anything that's just perfect."

"Well let's shop together then." he smiled and took my hand. We shopped for hours until we found our gifts.

Finally getting home me and my friends began to set up the party. Suddenly we heard a loud crash and the sound of gun shots. Three burly men rammed their way through the door. "Alright all the girls get in the closet. Boys we're going to take a little ride!" the leader yelled. The other two minions shoved us into a dark room. Hearing the door slam I tried to open the door. Nothing... they had shoved something against it.

"Help! Help!" our screams were not heard from the dark room, or so we thought. Suddenly we heard glass break and the sound of an attack. Light flooded into the room and a dark figure stood over head. "Please don't hurt us" I pleaded. A hand fell on my shoulder and I recognized the scent. "Mr. Baker?" I asked standing up.

His gentle smile fell on me as I entered the light. The two goons laid motionless on the floor.

"Come on, we have a party to get to" he said and began to dance with me. His hands strong and rough.

Suddenly all the lights faded and his sweet scent was gone. I woke up on a couch in my living room hardly able to breath.

The author's comments:
This is for real what happened. I had this dream last night and I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

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