Life as an Orphan | Teen Ink

Life as an Orphan

August 30, 2013
By Athulya BRONZE, Nasik, Other
Athulya BRONZE, Nasik, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since birth, I was one of the luckiest kids in the world. Its not that my parents were rich or famous, but they were filled with love and care. Parents are a child’s most precious gift from god and I realized that just last month when I was taken to an orphanage by my collage. We were asked to visit the children and teach them something productive. When I went inside, there was a strange silence surrounding the room. It was completely different from what I expected. According to asking us to visit a room full of children is like getting to communicate with a hundred over excited children who love to scream, play and learn something new. But what I saw there was extremely different. They were energetic and willing to learn something new, but I could clearly sense a strange pain in their eyes.

I knew I could never feel what they felt but I knew that that strange pain was of loosing one’s parents and being left as an orphan without anyone’s support. They knew what they were missing, but still were trying their best to smile and make others smile. When I thought about it for a second, I realized that- Yes, parents are the most precious gifts from god but at times we fail to appreciate them. The present youth has gone so way beyond boundaries that they often tend to forget the fact that the reason they are here on this earth, is because of their parents. We would end up being simply no where without them. Every single success and progress in a child’s life is a gift from their own parents.

A mother who nurtures and forms the foundation of lives and a father who strengthens your grip and grants you with the power to face the world is deeply ingrained I in this present generation. Though our lives be for better that the orphans, but if we compare the respect we show towards the priceless luxuries we receive, we would realize that they are more deserving than us. In the long hunt of love and care, they have learned all by themselves to appreciate and respect every bit to bite they receive. Though we may be winners, but until we ourselves learn to appreciate our prize and possessions, we are no less than losers.

I accept I do not know what these orphans are missing, but if I am asked to name a few I will say that they are missing the luxuries we are gifted with, a better supportive way to look forward to your dreams, an invisible protective barrier to protect you from all evil, a permanent support when life takes tests and most important is care. Care is the strange warmth we feel when a father hugs his child, when a mother stays awake all night for her ill child, when a father teaches his child to cycle and a mother makes her child have almonds and milk every morning and curd with sugar before important examinations, etc. These small moments in life end up making a great difference in the future.

The author's comments:
this tells us how it feel when we r born a orphan and how much we should be grateful to our parents!!

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