Does anyone really understand? | Teen Ink

Does anyone really understand?

August 10, 2013
By life_lessons BRONZE, West Babylon, New York
life_lessons BRONZE, West Babylon, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does anyone really understand? Do they understand what its like to watch your "best friends" who you've been friends with since you were in kindergarten, just move on from you? Just leave you in the dust like you never even meant a thing to them. Does anyone ever realize how hard it is to make up lies to tell you parents when you’re not invited this or a part of that because you're afraid they'll be embarrassed of you? Or does anyone understand what it’s like to lock yourself in the bathroom and turn the shower on to drown out the sound of your weeping? Or what its like to lie to your mom when she asks you why your eyes are blood shot and your nose is stuffy. Does anyone really understand what its like to stay up all night thinking about what you did wrong? Is it my personality? Or maybe the way I look or the things I do. And, does anyone really understand, what it's like to be at a party when someone says "Remember that time we..." and everyone's like "Yes that was so much fun!" but you're just like "Oh yeah, I wasn't invited to that". Does anyone understand what it's like to hate yourself because you think you aren't and never will be good enough? But, most of all, does anyone really understand what it's like to feel betrayed by the people you thought had your back the most? ....Well I do. But, then, I realize...these people, these girls, they do not define me. I am who I am, and I'm not going to change for anyone. And, eventually, I will find people who will accept me for me. And, I certainly am not going to sit here and waste my time feeling sorry for myself. Life is short and you need to learn to live in the moment and not let anyone tear you down.

The author's comments:
I wrote this after coming home one night really upset because I wasn't included in yet another thing. Writing when I'm really upset can always make me feel better and calm me down. It helps me organize my thought, and think about why I'm actually upset.

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