Good Person | Teen Ink

Good Person

August 19, 2013
By SarahMartinez BRONZE, Monterrey, Texas
SarahMartinez BRONZE, Monterrey, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Tomorrow will be better.&quot;<br /> &quot;But what if it&#039;s not?&quot;<br /> &quot;Then you say it again tomorrow. Because it might be. You never know right? At some point, tomorrow will be better.&quot;

How can somebody be considered a good person?
Do you do help others? Do you not criticize? Not have any kind of bad thoughts about other people?
I’ve tried. I’ve tried so hard to be a good person. But I can’t.
I try to be the perfect daughter. I help with the chores. I stay a safe distance from my parents and prevent them from fighting. I make them dinner and clean up after everybody. But the sad thing is that when I start feeling good about all the good actions I do, it all goes down to being full of myself.
I can’t be proud. At least not too much.
I try to be the perfect friend. That is a hard job.
I want to be the voice of reason within my group of friends, but then I become cocky because I start feeling better than everybody else. I try to advice them, but they just complain and say that I should just be empathetic sometimes.
It’s hard.
I try to be the perfect sister. Well, sometimes. My siblings are kind of hard to get. The brat and a genius. She complains about everything and never helps anyone. He never talks to us unless is necessary and is constantly ashamed of us. It’s sad and the part that hurts the most is not that it hurts my feelings. It hurts my parent’s feelings.
I feel like I have to compensate for them. Try to help out and love thrice as much as I can, and make everyone feel appreciated.
I try to help. I want to prevent fights and keep everyone happy and content. Sadly, it’s hurting me. I feel paranoid and hear screams everywhere. I keep checking my door and hearing for any disturbance.
I want to talk to someone but nobody ever just listens. They all have their problems and want to tell them to me too. I just don’t want them to feel like I do. Like they’re not being listened, so I skip my telling and just hear them out. Hear their problems and try not to judge them.
Perfect is difficult.
I can’t even feel comfortable in my body because I feel like it’s not perfect.
Being perfect isn’t something easy. I don’t think I’ll ever get to be it. I can’t try anymore. It’s too much.

The author's comments:
I hope you never get to feel like this. Like you're not good enough.

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