create | Teen Ink


July 25, 2013
By Amber coleman BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Amber coleman BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey! “Watch out!” First It all started at champions for life. So me and my team mates started to play soccer. So I was embarrassed because I was standing in a spot trying to kick the ball and few minutes later, I fell because I got dizzy. So he coach helped me up. I couldn’t move ,see, or feel anything.

Second, I went back to try playing soccer again, I did the best I could. But out of know where, the ball was heading toward my face. It hit me in the ace and I fell. My nose was bleeding like crazy. So me and my grandma, nana went to the bathroom to wash the bleeding away.

Then, I went to do it again I got the ball and kicked it to the goal and almost made the goaly. I fell and got dizzy again. Getting dizzy is a lot of work I wouldn’t get dizzy like that if I was you.

Finally, I quited because I kept getting nose bleeds. But I still wanted to play soccer like almost every day. It was fun but my nose bleed was not fun. If you play soccer make sure you focus on the ball really hard and don’t let the ball hit you like it did to me.

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