better days ahead | Teen Ink

better days ahead

June 23, 2013
By Genbear BRONZE, Point Fortin, Other
Genbear BRONZE, Point Fortin, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a boy name Aaron. He was very intelligent and always attended church with his grand-mother. He had an integral part to play in the church proceedings. He could have quoted verses from the bible off his fingertips.

By twenty-two he had fulfilled one of his dreams of gaining a degree in the Bachelor of Arts in journalism, as he loved to write poems, letters, short stories you name it.

His other dream was writing a book entitled Better Days Ahead. For three years he set off on his journey writing this book, he was well pleased with his work. He said to himself that God inspired him to write that book to let people know that when it may seem tough and like there is no tomorrow, seek God and there are always better days ahead.

On May 9th. 1989, Aaron went to John’s publishers in Port-Of –Spain, which was at the time the only book publisher in Trinidad & Tobago. He was told that his book could not be published because of his African ethnicity and Baptise religion. Such persons were discriminated because they were considered poor and were never given a place in society. As a result of this his book was rejected.

Aaron was heart-broken that all his hard work, long nights and dream of sharing his belief with the world was crushed. However, despite his unfortunate experience, he looked up to the sky with hope and declared “There are better days ahead”.

And with that he went home and read his bible in a quiet corner and prayed to god and asked him to show him the way.

As he was finished his phone rang, he was indeed in great distress that he did not want to answer, he did however and found himself out of great distress and into immediate joy.

It was a call from New York Times publishers head of editing, he was in Trinidad on work related business and while Journeying in the bus he came across Aaron’s writing, which he had forgotten behind, it had his contact info, the man contacted him because he fell so in love with Aaron’s work an wanted him to accompany him back to New York to publish it.

Aaron was elated and indeed he took the opportunity. In 1990 when the book was finally published, New York Times gained double their readers and made a remarkable increase in their income, they gave Aaron a permanent job as a resident writer/Journalist.

What happened to Aaron was far more than he had expected or even dreamed for, he never forgot where he came from, because of God doors opened in his life that he never expected, and up to this day he always tell people, when rainy days face you, and it may seem like there is no tomorrow, never give up hope cause better days are always ahead.

The author's comments:
waked up with this idea an decided to write

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This article has 1 comment.

JDenoon said...
on Jun. 24 2013 at 10:28 am
I love your work how inspiring continue to write its beautiful