Tribute to Bob Perry | Teen Ink

Tribute to Bob Perry

May 20, 2013
By Hankseward BRONZE, Medina, Minnesota
Hankseward BRONZE, Medina, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A coach. A father. A friend. An inspiration. This was and is Bob Perry. To me and to many others. For 7 years and as long as I can remember, I shared my life with one of the most amazing men in the world. Although I can only hope to live to be such a man as he, he will guide me to my dream. And He will always be here.

Life is a game. A game that is played not to win, but to grow. To grow as a person. Anybody here who has had the opportunity to play for coach Perry will agree when I say that this is how he coached. He coached the things he loved with a passion incomparable to anything. He coached people. His love for the sports he coached was insane. But his love for people was so much more.

2 years ago I had my first experience playing with him as my coach. My 8th grade football season changed my life. Yes, it was just a youth football season, but to me it was so much more. If you ask my close friends and family now, they will tell you about my love and dedication towards football. This stadium is where I can escape. It is where I can be with my second family. Where my teammates are my brothers, my coaches my mentors.

He coached me in the game but so much more in life. I would give so much to have him critique my tackling one more time, or have him tell me i made the wrong read on a play. But I would give ANYTHING to hear him critique me on being a man.

I know, and you should as well, that he will be there to guide us to our dreams. Whether it be the football team finally beating Delano (who Bob HATED), or just simply becoming a better person, he is there to guide us. He has inspired me to a level I had never dreamed of. Now, it is my job, and OUR job to live up to that. Do it for him.

I love you Bob.

The author's comments:
This is a memorial speech about the death of my step father and all that he taught me.

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