Senior Skip Day | Teen Ink

Senior Skip Day

May 21, 2013
By Lauranelson21 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Lauranelson21 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first warm day of spring, and the trees are finally turning a light, pale, green. The smell of fresh leaves in the air and a warm breeze constantly moving. It’s senior skip day and we decide we want to spend the whole day outside, at one of our favorite places: Lisbon Park.
First, we of course have to make a pit stop at DQ, so we can get our much needed Mango Pineapple smoothies. Then, off we go to the park. Windows down, the best music around blasting, completely happy.
Finally pulling up to the park and nobody is around, it’s a feeling of freedom and excitement. Deciding to go to the pow-wow instead of the picnic benches, we journey into the woods. And after about a 10 minute walk we wind up to our secret place, where hours can be completely lost. Just sitting around talking and laughing, we wait until three o’clock rolls around when our junior friends jump out of nowhere and join us at the pow-wow.
Losing our entire day outside with good people, having a good time, is the perfect way to spend your senior skip day. No stress, no teachers or homework, no school or kids you can’t stand to see every day. You can make it what you want to make it, so make it good.

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