It's All My Fault | Teen Ink

It's All My Fault

April 10, 2013
By Anonymous

When I was little, my mom and my dad didn't want me...So growing up knowing that neither of my parents cared was really hard. I started running from home because I felt it was the best decision. I got my dream of being somewhere I felt I belonged. After being in the custody of DHS, I learned that they were going to send me back home. I begged and begged but they never listened to me. I went home around Christmas and I tried being the perfect little girl they always wanted. I learned that I only needed to be myself eventually. As time went by things began to get worse and I was sent away again, but this time it was because of abuse. Nobody believed me at first but when I stopped wearing make-up to cover the bruises people began to notice. So I was sent away again. This time I know I'm not going back. Now I fear for my little brother's life. I'm scared and not knowing if he's ok really pains me, but I know that it's my fault and I can never forget what I did to the one's I loved. I left them all alone to fend for themselves. I really hope someone out there in the world will understand that I did it for my own well-being. Even though I couldn't get the others out I still believe that there is some hope out there for them.

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