My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

March 5, 2013
By Jack Ruppelt BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jack Ruppelt BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember meeting my best friend, Christopher, in Kindergarten. I remember he was new to our school (this was my 2nd year of kindergarten), and I was nervous to go up and talk to him. However, I did. I said, “ Do you want to hang out with me?” He said, “Sure.” So first we played in the loft, then with the blocks, then with the board games. Next we went on the computer, and he told me he likes to play hockey. I told him I also like to play hockey. As we talked we figured out we both play hockey for Winter Club. So we got to play with each other in hockey, and we even got to be on the same team for 6 years! Sadly, Chris and I don’t see each other as much anymore because I went to a different school, and he’s still at my old school. We still like to see each other but it’s just not as much. We still hang out together. For example, I’ll go over to his house or he will come over to my house. Sometimes we'll play videogames or go outside or we'll go out somewhere. The best part is, sometimes we'll even get to travel together like at a hockey tournament and we’ll get to stay in a hotel room together and it’s awesome. He and I get along great together. He is the best friend I have ever had, or ever will have. I am so glad Christopher is my best friend, and it all started in Kindergarten!

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