A Lonely Young Girl | Teen Ink

A Lonely Young Girl

January 25, 2013
By Anqiee1015 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anqiee1015 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason "

It’s sad…

I was a young little girl about 5 years of age or older. My father was never around me because I had a rude stepmom who didn’t want my dad to see me. So one day my dad wanted to see me and he lived right behind me so he went behind her back and came to see me she found out and started yelling at my dad. After my dad left my stepmom he got with my little sister’s mom he got with her and he looked for me more and started picking me up. After a while my dad got locked up and couldn’t see me. His own family didn’t like him because they had favorites and he was not one of them. When my dad came out of jail and picked me up and took me shopping etc. So one day my dad was supposed to pick me up and I called him but he didn’t answer. It was February 14, 2012 I was with my best friend Monica and my mom called me and told me to go home. When I went home my stepmom was there and told me my dad died. He was missing since February 3rd and they found him dead in a car. So soon came his funeral it was sad after that day I became a lonely young lady. I would always want to be alone curse at everybody. I didn’t want to be so mean but my anger from losing my dad took over me. One day it was just me and my stepdad he asked me if I wanted to go to the mall to go buy myself some clothes I said yes and after that day we got really close. My stepdad had filled the lonely spots in my heart. Now I love my stepdad and I’m back to my old self again. Now I’m just as happy as I use to be but sometimes sad besides that I’m a happy young girl.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was that their is maybe other people who feels the same way I ever did !

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